Bulk Search

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Bulk Search Tool: Open Multiple Searches Instantly

Tired of manually searching each keyword or phrase? Our Bulk Search Tool streamlines your research process by allowing you to open multiple search tabs in a single click. Simply enter your search terms, separated by commas, spaces, line breaks, or backslashes, and let the tool do the rest.

Key Features:

  • Open multiple search tabs simultaneously.
  • Supports various separators: commas, spaces, line breaks, and backslashes.
  • Automatic duplicate removal to prevent redundant searches.
  • Responsive design for seamless use on any device.
  • Easy to use and saves valuable time.

How to Use:

  1. Enter your search terms in the provided text area.
  2. Click the "Bulk Search" button.
  3. Watch as your searches open in new tabs.


apple, banana or car\ndog\hi\hello

Use this tool to quickly research topics, compare search results, and boost your productivity.

Note: Pop-up blockers may prevent the tool from opening new tabs. Please ensure pop-ups are allowed for this page.

Note: Google searches open in new tabs due to Google's security rules. Other search engines work normally in this iframe.

Disclaimer: Use this tool at your own risk. We are not responsible for external website content.